[AD] Legendary Mu | exp 5000 | Season 9ep2 |max resets 300 | reset points 666 |


Apr 18, 2020
Reaction score
Started: 24.04.2020 18:00h
WebSite: https://legendarymu.mubz.bg
Name: Legendary Mu
Version: Season 9ep2
Exp: 5000x
Max Resets: 300
Reset Points: 666
Keep Stats: No
Item Shop: Yes
Legendary Mu x5000 Information

Server Name: Legendary Mu x5000
Server Version: Season 9ep2
Server Location: Bulgaria
Server UpTime: 24/7
Server Since: 6 years
Server Information

Experience: 5000x
3D Camera : ON
Master Level Experience: 20x
Drop rate: 50%
Max level: 400
Max Master level: 330
Max reset: 300
Reset level: 400
Keep stats: No
Reset points: 666
Reset Zen: 0
Max stats per attribute: 32767
Master Points per level: 5
Guild Create Level: 100
Max Guild Members: 80
Alliance min guild members: 1
Alliance max guilds: 3
Success Rates

Jewel of Soul Success Rate (No Luck): 100%
Jewel of Soul Success Rate (With Luck): 100%
Jewel of Life Success Rate: 90%
Item +10 Success Rate (No Luck): 90%
Item +11 Success Rate (No Luck): 90%
Item +12 Success Rate (No Luck): 90%
Item +13 Success Rate (No Luck): 90%
Item +14 Success Rate (No Luck): 90%
Item +15 Success Rate (No Luck): 90%

Item +10 Success Rate (With Luck): 90%
Item +11 Success Rate (With Luck): 90%
Item +12 Success Rate (With Luck): 90%
Item +13 Success Rate (With Luck): 90%
Item +14 Success Rate (With Luck): 90%
Item +15 Success Rate (With Luck): 90%

Server Commands

/reset - Quickly reset character from the game
/vault 0-10- example: /vault 1 - opens a new vault in game
/scramble - Answer with word during scramble event
(default vault is /vault 0)
/pkclear - Quickly Clear PK on character from th - Leave your character online auto-attacking and leveling
- If your character is killed while in offlevel will be auto-disconnected.
- While you are in offlevel monsters can't kill you, other players can
- If you are in party it will remain.
- While you are in offlevel you will not collect items.
- You will fight with the skill set in your MU Helper.
/offtrade - Sell Store items while offline.
- If leave offtrade in devias town you will get 1 free credit every hour.
- If you sell items for zen it will be showed as W Coin in offtrade when you leave game.
- If you are in party, you cant go in /offtrade
/prop - Marry in davias church 14,25 | 15,25
/accept - Accepts when someone offers to marry you.
/teleport - Trace to your wife / husband. Doesnt work if one of
you is a Killer.
/divorce - Removes your marriage
/post - Post a message to all in game cost: 1,000,000 zen
/gpost - Post a global message cost to all: 2,000,000 zen
/addstr /addagi /addvit /addene /addcmd - Add stats in game
/dcfriend - Disconnect friend if you know their
/charinfo - Check your character info
/setparty - Set auto-party password (min 4 symbols)
When someone whispers you the password auto-joins your party
/crew - Displays online Admins and GM
/trade - Make a trade
/party - Form a party
/guild - Join a guild
/war - Request a war with a guild
/battlesoccer - Request a soccer with a guild
/requests (on/off) - Toggles requests for duels, party and trade
/whisper (on/off) - Whisper function on/off
/clearbag - Clear character inventory & expanded inventories from all items, keeps equipped items
/cleareventinv - Clear event inventory from all items


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