[Release] HNS Mod With Exp


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2010
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Този мод е разширение на всеки HNS геймплей. Играчите получават опит чрез игра в сървъра. Играчите могат да ползват опита за да получат нива, необходими за използването на специялни умения( магии).Колкото по високо ниво има магията, толкова по силна или полезна става тя.
Опита е комлексна оценка на целия ви геймплей.
Обаче левелите, които получавате от този опит се приспадат само към даден итем, не към цялата магия.
Можеш да станеш 5 ниво Terorrist, но да си 1-во ниво Counter- Terrorist.
Опита, който получавате, е пресметнат по тази проста система:
- Ако сте 1-ви левелl, ви е необходимо първото зададено количество опи от плъгина.
- Нататък, всяко следващо ниво изисква 2 пъти повече опит от предишното.l.

Client команди:

say /xp OR say /exp
- Показва EXP меню.
- In there, see a help screen for how this mod works, open a menu designated for each ability, or see the levels of other players in the server.
- In each ability-specific menu, you can choose a help screen to understand what the ability does, or choose to buy/sell your level for the different items.

Admin Commands:

hnsxp_give_xp <nick, #userid, authid> <xp>
- Gives <xp> amount to <player>.
- <xp> must be greater than 0.
- Cannot use on bots or immunity players.
- Requires admin flag L (RCON).

hnsxp_remove_xp <nick, #userid, authid> <xp>
- Takes away <xp> amount from <player>.
- <xp> must be greater than 0.
- Cannot use on bots or immunity players.
- Requires admin flag L (RCON).


hnsxp_message_prefix <prefix>
- The tag before all messages that come from the plugin.
- Default: [HNS XP]

hnsxp_xp_entry <xp>
- The amount of xp given to new players
- Default: 100

hnsxp_xp_suicide <xp>
- The amount of xp subtracted from a player if the player suicides.
- Default: 5

hnsxp_xp_kill <xp>
- The amount of xp given to a player when the player kills someone.
- Default: 4

hnsxp_xp_headshot <xp>
- The amount of xp added to the kill xp if the kill was a headshot.
- Default: 3

hnsxp_xp_grenade <xp>
- The amount of xp added to the kill xp if the kill was from a grenade.
- Default: 6

hnsxp_xp_survive <xp>
- The amount of xp given to the player if the player is a terrorist and is alive when the round ends.
- Default: 2

hnsxp_xp_win <xp>
- The amount of xp given to all players on the team that wins the round.
- Default: 3

hnsxp_sell_percent <percent>
- The percentage of the points it cost you to buy the level that you will get back.
- This value is a percentage, not a decimal!
- Default: 80

Plugin Requirements:


AMX Mod X 1.8.0 or higher
If you are having problems, please use the latest version of AMXX

CStrike Addon

HamSandwich Module

Fun Module

RegEx Module

Plugin API:

Open addons/amxmodx/scripting/include/hns_xp.inc and you can see all the natives/forwards you can use.


Version 0.0.1

Initial Release

Version 0.0.2

Abilities are now dynamic.
Removed SQL support due to abilities being dynamic.
Removed NVault (which means v0.0.1 stats won't transfer to v0.0.2)
Added colored chat messages.
Secured player XP from going below 0.
Added more natives and forwards for the other ability plugins to work with this plugin.

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This ability is for Terrorists only.
The values for each item is a chance to get that grenade type.
The higher the level, the higher the chance.

There are 4 items:

HE Grenade
Flashbang #1
Flashbang #2
Smoke Grenade


Open hnsxp_grenades.sma, and it will show where you can edit.
You are able to edit the following:

Each item's first level xp cost.
The interval of xp cost between levels for each item.
The max level for each item.
The max amount for each item.


hnsxp_spawn_nade_delay <seconds>
- The delay from the start of the round when the player receives nades.
- This is the same as the countdown of the hide timer in HideNSeek, so the player gets the nades when the timer hits 0.
- Change it to 0 to give the nades instantly on player spawn/round start.
- Default: 10

Extra Health:


This ability adds health to your spawn health.
The higher your level, the more health you get.

There are 2 items:

T Extra Health
CT Extra Health


Open hnsxp_health.sma, and it will show where you can edit.
You are able to edit the following:

Each item's first level xp cost.
The interval of xp cost between levels for each item.
The max level for each item.
The max amount for each item.



This ability gives you armor when you spawn.
The higher your level, the more armor you get.

There are 2 items:

T Armor
CT Armor


Open hnsxp_armor.sma, and it will show where you can edit.
You are able to edit the following:

Each item's first level xp cost.
The interval of xp cost between levels for each item.
The max level for each item.
The max amount for each item.

Respawn Chance:


This ability gives you the chance to respawn when you die.
You must have at least 1 teammate alive to respawn.
You can only respawn once in each round.

There are 2 items:

T Respawn Chance
CT Respawn Chance


Open hnsxp_respawn.sma, and it will show where you can edit.
You are able to edit the following:

Each item's first level xp cost.
The interval of xp cost between levels for each item.
The max level for each item.
The max amount for each item.

Fall Damage Reducer:


This ability reduces the damage taken when you fall.
The higher the level, the less damage you will take.
Whenever it reduces damage, it shows the stats on your screen.

There are 2 items:

T Fall Damage Reducer
CT Fall Damage Reducer


Open hnsxp_falldmg.sma, and it will show where you can edit.
You are able to edit the following:

Each item's first level xp cost.
The interval of xp cost between levels for each item.
The max level for each item.
The max amount for each item.



This ability reduces your visibility to the opposite team.
The higher the level, the less visible you will appear.
Note: The maximum value should never exceed 255!

If you are moving or jumping, your ability will only be working at 50%.
So if your current value is 200 and you are moving, it will be at 100.

If you are damaged in any way, you will become completely visible.
After 6 seconds, you will be back to your level's invisibility amount.

There are 2 items:

T Invisibility
CT Invisibility


Open hnsxp_invisible.sma, and it will show where you can edit.
You are able to edit the following:

Each item's first level xp cost.
The interval of xp cost between levels for each item.
The max level for each item.
The max amount for each item (SHOULD NOT EXCEED 255!).
The seconds it takes to restore your invisibility after being damaged.


Donate XP:


This extension allows players to donate their own XP to other players.


hnsxp_donate_xp <nick, #userid, authid> <xp>
- Takes <xp> amount from the player who issued the command and gives it to the player specified in the command.

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Main Plugin:

The main plugin requires 1 custom include:


It is attached with the rest of the files in the .zip.
If you edit anything in the plugin, you will need to compile it on your computer.

In your plugins.ini, "hns_xp.amxx" should go above any other "hnsxp_*.amxx" plugin, or any plugin that uses hns_xp.inc.

Other Plugins:​

The other plugins require 3 different includes:


They are attached with the rest of the files in the .zip.
If you edit anything in these plugins, you will need to compile them on your computer.

In your plugins.ini, "hns_xp.amxx" should go above any other "hnsxp_*.amxx" plugin, or any plugin that uses hns_xp.inc.

You don't have to install all the extra plugins.
If you don't want one of the abilities or extensions, then don't install it.
The only plugin that you have to install for all the other plugins to work is the main plugin "hns_xp.amxx"

Plugin Notes:

I do not have the resources required to test a plugin like this myself.
Therefore, I need you users to test it for me and report back any bugs.
Remember, this is in BETA version so it may not work 100%.
Look at the changelog in the BETA version post for what is different.
If you want to go back to v0.0.1, it is still on the first post.
Please post all suggestions, comments, or improvements you may have.
Do not say anything about Non-Steam support because you will be ignored.

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