* /post
* /add commands
* /quit
* /pkclear 100% (FORMULA: Murder Lvl x zen pkclear)
* /status [GM] (For see where a player is [Coords, Map, X, Y, Level, Zen]
* /item [GM] (for create items is[TYPE INDEX LVL OPT LUCK SKILL DUR EXC]
* /reload [GM] (Reload the ini config)
* /ring [GM] (change the transform ring mob)
* /banchar [GM] (ban char)
* /unbanchar [GM] (unban char)
* /banacc [GM] (ban account)
* /unbanacc [GM] (unban account)
* /whois [GM] (Get AccountID and Warehouse PWD)
* /vipbuylist [USER] To get list of prices, codes and item names from VIP SHOP.
* /viprenew [USER] To renew VIP
* /pkclear PLAYERNAME [GM]
* /skin "MOB PLAYER" Command for admin
* /skin "MOB" Command for Players