[Release] DarksTeam MuServer 97d+99i Beta 43.3


How to fix font ?

Go to 'Control Panel >> Appearance and Personalization >> Display' and select 'Adjust ClearType Text'.
Untick 'Turn On ClearType'.
Click 'Next' for the remaining steps until you're through the wizard.
Finally, click finish.

if they see the contribution I've made and do not need to disable cleartype LOL !
First of all thanks for the release, I started using windows XP and the server don't show any problems now...

second it's possible to make VIP status apply to the account and not only to one char? Would be awesome !
Another hint:
// www.DarksTeam.NET
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Enable = 1 // 1 - Enabled, 0 - Disabled
CheckTime = 1 // Checking time in minutes
ApplyToVips = 1 // 1 - Check vips, 0 - ignore vips
MaxWarnings = 3 // Maximum number of warnings before taking actions
ShowWarningMessages = 1 // 1 - Show warning messages, 0 - dont show warning messages
Type = 0 // 0 - warp to lorencia, 1 - disconnect

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Safe zones
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [1] - Map number
// [2] - coords X1
// [3] - coords Y1
// [4] - coords X2
// [5] - Coords Y2
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
0 0 0 255 255 // Lorencia - afk-free
What is that exactly means in details
Added additional security checks to the npc talk protocol?
Patching Webzen's gaps.
DarkMaster you told me in the future you will make posible my request about drop exe item from 1 monster with 3 good options.
Can you make this in next update?(33)
Your suggestion is already in my to-do list, however it may or may not be included in beta 33.
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Reactions: dsw_pool
Please do not bring the QuestID DarkMaster :( :(
I'm not sure if I understood you correctly.

As of beta 33, the quest id will be removed only from the config file.

1 1 0 0 3 0 50 "Kill 50 Spiders" "-" "1 Box of Kundun+1" 0 0 0 0 0 14 11 8 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
2 1 0 0 0 0 100 "Kill 100 Bull Fighters" "-" "3 Boxes of Kundun+2" 0 0 0 0 0 14 11 9 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 3 0 50 "Kill 50 Spiders" "-" "1 Box of Kundun+1" 0 0 0 0 0 14 11 8 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 0 100 "Kill 100 Bull Fighters" "-" "3 Boxes of Kundun+2" 0 0 0 0 0 14 11 9 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0
This change does not affect the quest number in sql server.
Hi, DarkMaster!

Can i request for some features to improve marry and vip system.
Maybe special shop for married or vip players, but i think will be better a gift, something like rings that they cant trade.
For example:
You can add it to TradeSystem
MaxLevel = 13
MaxExcOptions = 2
So married recive the rings with 3 exc opt. that they can`t trade, same for vips...

In the future will be good to see in this project more npc features,
like npc teleporter, npc exchanger, maybe others too reset, pkclear.

I have idea for boss system too, but i think it enough right now ))
If it will intresting, i can explain more detailed...

Anyway thank you for this work!!!
Съжалявам за дългия пост,но исках да покажа,за да питат по-малко.
Ето още една ползат от всички ъпдейти.
За разлика от първите файлове,тези работят много по-леко,
и вече са тествани на ВСИЧКИ версии на Microsoft SQL Server,
като се почне от 2000/2005/2008/2008R2/2012 и чак до 2014 (включително).
До сега колко от вас са срещали файлове,
които да работят с толкова нисък разход на ресурси(RAM,CPU,etc.)?!
Под 1GB RAM (физическа),като в тях влиза и работещия клиент.
Към това нека добавим и Kaspersky Internet Security + Kaspersky Cloud Protection.
Включен е и УебСървър в момента на снимките,
както и няколко допълнителни програми.
Мога да кажа само това - Добра Работа. (cool)

Имам само едно предложение.
Няма да е лошо,ако към файловете за изтегляне,
се добавят и готови ODBC.reg + MuOnline.bak файлове,
преработени за всички версии на SQL Server & OS (System),
понеже голяма част от проблемите им идват от тях.




the vip system to start playing disappears , the columns are 0, which may be due to this error? help please
the vip system to start playing disappears , the columns are 0, which may be due to this error? help please
Once the vip status expires columns are set to 0.
ERROR Command /vault 7,8,9, 10


  • Sem t?tulo.png
    Sem t?tulo.png
    30.5 KB · Views: 60
  • Sem t?tulo2.png
    Sem t?tulo2.png
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Once the vip status expires columns are set to 0.

thanks for replying .
however , change the column IsVip 0 to 1 , but upon entering the character is changed to 0 automatically and vip does not work , you could help me with a guide ?
ERROR Command /vault 7,8,9, 10
SQL Server limitation. Google a solution.
thanks for replying .
however , change the column IsVip 0 to 1 , but upon entering the character is changed to 0 automatically and vip does not work , you could help me with a guide ?
VipExpirationTime column is also required. The value should be in timestamp format. You can also use /buyvip.