[Release] Custom fixed (wo)man.ech's / Latest FX & Item files


Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2009
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Custom ECH

When I first tried using the .ech's from the Korean test client to add SIGMetal, simply copying them to my client gave me crashes on loading, or 2D characters, ... Using Yamachi's template I've remade the ech's and now I thought I'd share em for anyone who could use em.
They include every costume, SIGMetal and the last armor.


FX & Item files

I've also compared the latest korean test client files with a fresh install of the OG Cabal client and this archive includes all new files in the FX and Item folder. No more invisible items when you add them to your server ;)

Korean FX and Item.rar

And as always thx to Yamachi for his templates.

Latest SRC folder.
I've packed the latest SRC folder with any updated files ;)

Gloves inventory visual bug.
For those who's gloves appear wrong in the inventory that's got to do with the man_hand.ebm and woman_hand.ebm situated in the Data\Item folder. I've uploaded the latest versions in an archive, just extract to your main cabal folder where you can find cabalmain.exe.

The latest update on the korean test client included the upcomming battle mode 3. This battle mode changes the players full looks into one of three costumes fit for their armour type. The battle mode itself is different from the 2nd as it now uses a sort of combination of 5 skills to attack. Anyway more detail on the mode is useless as you can probably guess our files don't support this. I've uploaded man12 and woman12 which include the three costumes and hats so you can add them to your server. Give them a name, make it nice :3

Armor style
[INDENT]Costume: DisplayCode_pt2 52
Hat: DisplayCode_pt2 20[/INDENT]

Martial style
[INDENT]Costume: DisplayCode_pt2 53
Hat: DisplayCode_pt2 21[/INDENT]

Battle style
[INDENT]Costume: DisplayCode_pt2 54
Hat: DisplayCode_pt2 22[/INDENT]

P.S.: This is not code you have to enter in any file xD These are the display codes you need to use when you add them as costume items yourself ;)

Thanks to SpeedDevil!


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